September 2024

What the hell is going on ....

Posted on Sep 12, 2024

Ready to start your new life, and bam - dead on arrival!! 

It’s closing day! 

You’ve got the keys, the kids are running wild, and the dog’s already claiming the coziest corner. 

You finally own your home! Everything’s perfect… or so you thought.

Then, you go to make your first meal, and BOOM! 

The stove’s as cold as a winter morning. 

Yep, it’s broken. 

And ju...

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What's your move?  List high and get less, or list smart and get more?

Posted on Sep 05, 2024

So what do you do? 

Buyers today are more informed than ever. 

With access to endless data, they can make decisions quickly. 

And as Canadians, we tend to avoid confrontation, which isn’t always helpful when selling a home.

Armed with all this information and a natural reluctance to offend, buyers won’t make an offer if your price doesn’t reflect value. 


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I don't have any words for this right now... this is crazy!

Posted on Sep 05, 2024

It’s September already—back to school!!!

And back to the Burlington housing market rollercoaster.

Prices up? Prices down? Who knows—but here’s the deal in under 2 minutes.

Whether buying, selling, or just curious, you’ll want to know what’s happening. 

It’s not just another update—this one might matter.

- Justin 

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