What's your move?  List high and get less, or list smart and get more?

So what do you do? 

Buyers today are more informed than ever. 

With access to endless data, they can make decisions quickly. 

And as Canadians, we tend to avoid confrontation, which isn’t always helpful when selling a home.

Armed with all this information and a natural reluctance to offend, buyers won’t make an offer if your price doesn’t reflect value. 

They’ll wait. 

And waiting can lead to two things: a stale listing and lower offers.

The longer your home sits on the market, the less you'll likely get when an offer does come in. 

Don’t risk listing high only to get less in the end. 

Instead, consider listing strategically and getting a little more.

Our Home Run Method guides you through pricing your home correctly in the current market. 

Click the link HERE to download my free guide.

- Justin