What the hell is going on ....

Ready to start your new life, and bam - dead on arrival!! 

It’s closing day! 

You’ve got the keys, the kids are running wild, and the dog’s already claiming the coziest corner. 

You finally own your home! Everything’s perfect… or so you thought.

Then, you go to make your first meal, and BOOM! 

The stove’s as cold as a winter morning. 

Yep, it’s broken. 

And just like that, your dream home throws a curveball. But hey, welcome to homeownership, right?

So, what do you do now? 

Call your lawyer first. 

They need to know about this mess pronto. 

While you're at it, get an appliance repair person on the line. They'll come over, figure out what's wrong, and give you a quote to fix it. 

That quote? Send it straight to your lawyer.

Now, before you start a legal war, there’s a chance your agent might sort things out without all the lawyer talk. Sometimes, a quick call to them does the trick.

Everything should be perfect the second you walk in as the new owner. 

You didn't spend a small fortune only to be greeted by a busted stove and a never-ending list of problems. 

If things aren’t up to scratch, there’s a process.  

Make sure you get your agent and your lawyer on board.  

It’s about navigating the chaos when things go wrong.

Welcome to the joys of buying a house!

- Justin