I'm an addict - and I'm not sorry about it! 

Yeah, you heard that right. But it's not what you think.

I care about people—too much. I’m a good person. 

So when someone questions my character, it stings. I don’t sleep. I get that gut-wrenching feeling, like a knot in my stomach.

Recently, someone I deeply respect questioned my integrity. 

It messed with my head. 

How could they think I did something wrong? I knew I was right! So why did I feel like I was the bad guy?

Here’s the truth: I’m hooked on approval. 

I crave it. 

I want everyone to like me, agree with me, and think I’m perfect. 

But you know what? That’s exhausting. And it’s not worth it.

So what did I do?


Yeah, I pissed someone off. But you know what? They didn’t have the right to be pissed. That’s their problem, not mine.

I had to remind myself: I’m in charge of my own life. 

I don’t need anyone’s approval to do what I know is right.

They didn’t approve? So what? That’s their issue, not mine.

If you think I should be all about pleasing everyone, then maybe this isn’t for you. 

But if you’re tired of bending over backward for people who don’t deserve it, then welcome to the club.

- Justin