He's Got Your Whole World In His Hands!

So you've decided to list your house.

You've got a long list of houses you'd like to go and see.
A slightly longer list of all the "must haves' you'd like your new house to have.

And a list even longer of all the things you need to do to get your house ready to sell.  

Let me ask you this question .... how long is your list of agents that you're going to interview? 

Have you ever given any thought to the person you're going to use to sell your home?  The person whom you're going to trust to find your new home.

The biggest financial investment process that you'll go through?  This needs to be your #1 priority.  

This person will be the person you choose to protect your interests in both homes.  

My best advice here.

👉🏻Don't use an agent because they know someone who knows someone.
👉🏻Don't use an agent because of family connections or friendships.
👉🏻Don't use an agent whose snail mail marketing you received
👉🏻Don't use an agent who you see out and about on social media.  

Or do use any of the above.  

But you should interview them.  Talk to at least 3 agents. 

It has to be the right person.  Someone who sells real estate full-time.  

Who has the experience and has been selling real estate successfully for a number of years.  Someone who is local to the area.
Someone whom you connect with.  

To figure all this out, you have to meet with them first.

If that includes interviewing your Mum's friend's, second cousin, then so be it.  

At least you'll be making an informed decision.

- Justin